Offshore TaiRaba Snapper Reel but Bigger! DAIWA 24 KOHGA IC 200 is Great for OverSeas Fishing

This is actually really exciting for one of our staff!
TaiRaba is such an incredible fishing method to target snapper and working really well all over the world, but line weight set in Japan is really light and therefore previous KOHGA IC could be a bit too small, if you go out ocean with strong current and fight against 70cm+ over monster.

Therefore this upsized KOHGA IC is the best match to his type of fishing 🙂

IC Reel Works Well to TaiRaba Fishing

TaiRaba fishing is based on Japanese historical fishing method, which is pretty simple yet thoughtful, and highly working to attract snapper all over the world.

The method is literally simple – drop your TaiRaba jig, then retrieve, that’s it!
No action, no jerking, just evenly and smoothly drop the rig and retrieve.
Simple isn’t it?

But not really boring either.
You’ll need to find the right drop-off speed, reeling speed of the day, line angle can be one another factor as well.
Jig head can be bigger with normal sinker or smaller with tungsten, simple skirt or large, long fluffy type, hook size, with soft plastic or not..
You can start quickly, but very thoughtful method.

And KOHGA IC has IC monitor which shows how much line is out at moment, and how speed you wind up, which is really important information.

You won’t drop the line off vertically perfectly as the water has current, but with length counter, you can also seek how speedy the current is, by each distance you drop the sinker each time. You can see the distance can be longer and longer quickly if current is strong, or not much otherwise.

Also you can expect where you may need to stop winding, using this monitor and fish finder.
For example, if you see snappers to 50m range or deeper, you may need to wind up to 35-40m and start dropping if you don’t have bites.

Depth counter also has beeps on each 10m, so you can understand how long your line is out at moment without watching the monitor.

You can surely do TaiRaba with any of reels if it has enough line capacity, however, IC reel is really helpful for sure, and that really works!

Bigger and Heavier Size

Now let us introduce about his experience.
If you ask Japanese anglers about ideal tackles, and if they are in Japan, they may tell you the braid line should be up to #1.2 – 20-25lb, or up to #1.5 but no more than that.
Leader could be around 14,16 or 20lb max and they say they could catch 90cm monster.

Then he owned KOHGA IC 150, and spooled #1.5-300m and it worked really well to what 50-60cm snappers.
Line capacity is even plenty so deep TaiRaba like 70-80m deep was even fine.

But he then attacked by expecting more than 70cm snapper, tried to tie the drag to max to hang in, but was not enough and line was scratched to the structure, then monster was gone..

He talked his experience to professional guide and the guide replied, “Your tackle is a bit too light to fight against them”.

And here! New KOHGA IC 200 has capacity of braid PE#2 – 300m approx, with MAX drag 10kg, this is the right one for his experience 🙂

From his experience, if you are buying TaiRaba reel and go to ocean and/or possibly fight against big fish, we would recommend this new 24 KOHGA IC 200.

Spec and Release Date

24 KOHGA IC 200 is as of this name, 200 size body only with multiple gear ratios and right / left handed.

Release date is set to December 2023.

ModelWeight (g)Retrieve Range (cm)Gear RatioCapacity
braid (lb-m)
Handle Length (mm)BearingDrag Power (kg)Price (yen)

* Braided line capacity is based on Japanese size “Gou”. Please refer to Gou and Diameter table to see diameters of each Gou.

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